The Journey Behind Resurrecting Your Body with the Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Hello friends,

If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d write a book on diet and health, I probably would have laughed (snacking on something unhealthy). But here we are! Assembling Reviving Your Body with the Anti-Inflammatory Diet was a labor of love fueled by my enthusiasm for health and my firsthand experience with the frustrations of inflammation.

How It All Began

Having released my first book and found my authorial voice, I was ready to tackle something bigger—something that could leave a lasting impression on individuals. My goal? Writing a 30,000-word health book.

While researching, a lightbulb went off: there was a hidden global pandemic right before our eyes—inflammation.

As a dental hygienist for over a decade, I’ve seen firsthand how much the mouth can reveal about the body. I’ve treated patients for hours on end and learned how inflammation, usually beginning with gum disease, is linked to underlying health problems.

The Hidden Effects of Inflammation

What I was witnessing in my patients wasn’t entirely about their teeth. Inflammation was the common thread behind so many health issues:

Weight gain

Digestive problems



And worst of all, diseases like diabetes and heart disease

The more I read, the more it was clear: chronic inflammation is a smoldering fire fueled by the foods we eat. Processed food, added sugars and unsaturated fats storm through insulin levels, derailing our metabolism and setting us up for future health issues.

Why I Wrote This Book

This realization became the foundation of my book. I knew that I had to act—not just for my readers but also for my family and me. I wanted to make inflammation science accessible and provide a no-nonsense manual for regular (and generally busy) people.

Reviving Your Body with the Anti-Inflammatory Diet distills all that I’ve learned into simple, step-by-step directions:

How certain foods fuel or fight inflammation – You’ll learn what to eat more of and what to avoid.

The importance of balancing insulin: This is key for weight management and overall health.

Easy meal plans and recipes: Let’s be honest: If picky eaters won’t touch it, it’s not realistic for a family.

Strategies for consistency: Life is chaotic, but staying on track doesn’t have to be.

What Writing This Book Taught Me

Writing this book wasn’t all about helping others; it also helped me. It reminded me to take care of myself and encouraged me to make healthier choices in my own life.

If you’ve ever felt fatigued, lethargic, or just unwell, I hope this book can help you regain control of your health.

Writing Reviving Your Body with the Anti-Inflammatory Diet has been the most rewarding. It’s my best shot at passing on what I’ve learned as a dental hygienist, a researcher, and a mom struggling to stay afloat. It inspires and empowers you to make small, sustainable changes that add to significant changes.

Thanks for coming along for the ride. Here’s to reviving your body—and your life—through food, one meal at a time.